Our innovative optical protection coatings safeguard various media discs, including CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Ray disks. Protection from scratching and marring during polishing, handling, and storage results in a reduction of labor costs that can’t be beat. Both Disccoat optical protection coatings are tinted blue to allow for easy visual inspection.

Stripcoat 4710 - Strippable Black Coating for Light Sensitive Application
Stripcoat 4710 is a solvent based temporary protective peelable stripp...

Disccoat 4210 - Clear Blue Optical Disc and CD Protection Coating
Blue Solvent based Optical Media Protective Coating and Peelable coati...

Disccoat 4220 - Water Based Clear Blue Optical Disc and CD Protection Coating
Disccoat 4220 is a CLEAR BLUE water resistant, water based Peelable te...

GenPeel 1174 - Peelable Protective Coating for Plastic
GenPeel 1174 is a protective peelable coating for direct application o...

Lenscoat 9650.D - Protect Polished Precision Optical Surfaces
Lenscoat 9650.D was developed for protecting polished precision optica...