E-coat Cleaners
General Chemical’s line of Electrostatic Paint Coat Cleaners are water based, acidic materials formulated to remove uncured cathodic electrostatic paint build-up. These cleaners contain no chlorinated solvents or anhydrous silica. They are non-toxic, low odor materials that are used to clean heat exchanger plates and tubes, tank walls, car carriers, pumps, piping and spills on the floors as well as ultra filtration systems.

ECoat Cleaner 1684 - Water Based Spray System Cleaning
A water based concentrated cleaner designed for use in a spray-recircu...

ECoat Cleaner 1910 - Uncured Paint Remover for Tank Cleaning
Provides effective removal of uncured electrostatic paint deposits.Par...

ECoat Cleaner 3555 A & B - Dissolves Uncured E-Coat for Filtration Cleaning
A two part E-Coat cleaning system.When both are added to water, produc...

ECoat Cleaner 4770 - E-Coat Remover for Vertical Walls and Prolonged Contact
A thickened version of E-Coat Cleaner 1910 SC particularly suited for ...