Vehicles face an array of road debris, dirt, grime, insects, and more. Keeping a car’s exterior clean can be a challenge. However, it is extremely critical. By removing dirt and other grime, you protect the exterior paint, preserve resale value, and provide a professional image to current clients and potential customers seeing work vehicles around town. Our car exterior cleaners are engineered for a variety of surfaces and a variety of dirt. Don’t forget to finish off the wash, with the protecting Exterior Shine!

AutoGeneral Car Wash Shampoo - Automotive Soap for a Safe Effective Clean
Washing your car is not only a fantastic approach to keep your vehicle...

AutoGeneral GCC 710 Concentrated Alkaline Vehicle Wash - Paint Safe Car Detailing Soap
An Industry-Leading Vehicle Wash The AutoGeneral Concentrated Alkaline...

AutoGeneral Exterior Shine - Full Body Car Polish
Exterior Shine polish is magic! Use it on your old vehicle and it will...

AutoGeneral Non-Etching Aluminum Cleaner GCC 503 - No-Stain Cleaner and Rust Remover
How To Effectively Remove Grease & Oxidation Without Spending A Small ...

AutoGeneral Truck Wash Soap 2440 - Heavy Duty Industrial Shampoo for an Effective Clean
Afford Your Car The Amazing Care It Deserves - Starting Today! Would...