Container Cleaning
Chemicals, paints, adhesives, sealants and coatings are made to stick to surfaces – making tank and tote/IBC container cleaning an overwhelming and oftentimes unsuccessful chore. The transportation industry uses our industrial tank cleaners and container cleaning products to wash trucks, tank wagons, and railroad cars. Our products are safe for use on stainless steel and aluminum. These industrial tank cleaners do not contain methylene chloride or other dangerous ozone depleting ingredients. General Chemical Corporation’s container cleaning chemicals have an established track record of success in cleaning automotive and industrial coatings at tank, tote, IBC and bulk container cleaning facilities throughout North America. All major automotive coatings are being cleaned using General Chemical's industrial container cleaning chemicals, IBC tote cleaning chemicals & Tank cleaning chemicals on a daily basis.

Paint Strippers General Aqualean 7950 - Water Based Paint Remover

Midas Strip 3092 - Tote and Container Exterior Cleaner

MidasStrip 3089 - Tote and Container Exterior Cleaner for Vertical Surfaces