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WindoCoat 4089 - Temporary Protective Coating for Windows and Glass

SKU: 4089 Weight: 12.00 LBS
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The Ultimate Window Protective Spray Paint Has Been Released by General Chemical Corp!
Do you need a reliable peelable coating to protect your window glass & frames during your construction projects or transportation?
Have you had enough with flimsy window films that fail to stay put, giving you a headache in removal or leave behind ugly residue?
We are offering you a pro-grade, peelable, temporary window paint spray that will make your window management tasks easier.
Introducing A Premium Blue Tint Coat Created For Your Windows’ Safety!
Whether you transport or you install windows, your main concern is one: to protect them from accidental scratches and mortar or plaster spills.

As a worldwide supplier of strippable liquid masking films for temporary protective coatings, General Chemical Corp has the expertise to make a temporary, removable window and glass spray paint that stands out!

Why Choose General Chemical WindoCoat?

  •  It is an easy-to-apply this paint-on glass protection coating to windows & primed wood frames
  • It is sturdy & reliable, remaining firmly put on the glass or wood surface 
  • It is in liquid form, effortlessly applied by spray, roller or brush
  • It is removed in a breeze, as an easily peelable tint coating 
  • It leaves no residue after removal, protecting the substrate surface
  • It is water resistant & great for humid & dry climates 

Our Removable Glass Paint Is Perfect For More Than Your Window Protection

Use Windocoat 4089 as a temporary protective coating to save precious energy, money and time in your construction or transportation tasks!
Click Add To Cart NOW To Get Windocoat 4089 Temporary Window And Glass Paint Risk-Free!

Ships in 1 Gallon Metal Can, 5 Gallon Plastic Bucket, 55 Gallon Open Head Plastic Drum 

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