Liquid Mask 4560 is our highest viscosity clear solvent based strippable coating and acid-proof mask paint engineered for high film deposit. For a more visible solvent-based masking, check out our blue peel-off masking.
Liquid Mask 4560 is a painted acid-resistant mask coating with excellent water and acid resistance to 200F.
General Application Instructions:
LiquidMask 4560 is applied by roll coating, dipping, or brushing. Liquid Mask 4560 air dries to the touch in 10 minutes or less. Cured film should be 2 to 3 mils thick.
Hard Chrome Plating Instructions- chromium trioxide and sulfuric acid mix. 150*F bath temp for 30 hours.
You would apply 4-6 mils wet. You can put on layers after each drying period. 10-30 minutes the coating will be air dry to touch. Application temperature should be no lower than 50*F on the substrate.
Ships in 1 Gallon Metal Can, 5 Gallon Plastic Bucket, 55 Gallon Open Head Plastic Drum