
FoundryGeneral Foundry Adhesive 150

SKU: Foundry Adhesive 150 Weight: 10.00 LBS
product description

FoundryGeneral® Foundry Adhesive 150 is a ready to use hot shell core and mold paste. When applied to the hot drag of a shell mold, FoundryGeneral® Foundry Adhesive 150 does not boil or dry out quickly, allowing the operator sufficient time to properly position the hot cope half of the mold. After 45 seconds of curing under pressure in the mold press, FoundryGeneral® Foundry Adhesive 150 develops an extra strong bond which eliminates metal run outs at the parting line and provides casting dimensional accuracy across the parting line.

Appearance: Thick, yellow to orange paste
Viscosity: 15,000 cps
Flash Point: 428°F
Density: 8.76 lbs/gal
VOC: Not determine
pH: NA

FoundryGeneral® Foundry Adhesive 150 may have a slight separation when received. Mechanical agitation is required to thoroughly remix the paste to a uniform consistency. Five minutes when first put into service and one minute at the start of each shift is recommended. Application of FoundryGeneral® Foundry Adhesive 150 can be done through a normal foundry type paste bulb or by liquid paste pump. Another application includes dispensing the liquid from the liquid applicator by a wiper blade traveling over a perforated template. FoundryGeneral® Foundry Adhesive 150 can also be accurately printed onto the shell by an appropriately contoured fixture with or without a vibrator. Please refer to the MSDS for proper safety instructions.

Ready to use
Low smoke evolution
Extra strong bond
Reduces metal run out during pouring shells

Avoid heat, sparks and open flames. Avoid strong oxidizing agents (i.e. bleach).

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